Architecting For Good


05 April 2020


27 January 2025

Published In

Learn ways to leverage business architecture to give back and help organizations operate with purpose and sustainability.

Learn ways to leverage business architecture to give back and help organizations operate with purpose and sustainability. These resources cover topics such as using business architecture for ethics and sustainability as well as how to apply the discipline for non-profit organizations and small businesses.

In This Collection
Quadrant diagram showing profit, non-profit, traditional and social initiative sectors

Business Is Evolving: The Coexistence Of Purpose & Profit

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Venn diagram showing how business architecture helps organizations of all sizes

How Business Architecture Can Benefit All Sizes of Organization

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Architect the World, Part 1 — Business Architecture For Startups & Small Business

In this installment of StraightTalk, we’re going to look at using business architecture for startups and small businesses. Let’s go.
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Architect the World, Part 2 — Business Architecture For Non-Profit Organizations

In the generous spirit of the holidays, this installment of StraightTalk looks at using business architecture within the context of non-profit organizations.
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Business Architecture For Non-Profits and Smaller Organizations (SlideShare)

An overview of how business architecture applies to non-profit and smaller organizations, including a supporting case study.

Architecting for Good: Making a Social Impact

In this recorded episode of The North Star podcast, William Ulrich interviews Whynde Kuehn and they discuss ways in which formal business disciplines can be applied to maximize the ability of mission-driven organizations to contribute more effectively to the global good.

A Pathway To The Future For All: How Business Architecture Can Help Us Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

This installment of StraightTalk explores how business architecture can be used as a framework to help us achieve goals for sustainability and doing good for people and the planet.
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Business Architecture: Answering the Call to Achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals Webinar

People from all perspectives and sectors — far beyond the realm of governments and nonprofit organizations — recognize the urgency of achieving the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The UN SDG is a bold global agenda helping the world move beyond traditional indicators such as GDP growth and per capita income to a broader set of objectives that include well-being, environmental sustainability, and social fairness. The responsibility to contribute — and the new possibilities for doing so — is resonating with more and more individuals and organizations. How can your organization determine its involvement level and measure its results?

In this on-demand Cutter webinar, Whynde Kuehn discusses how organizations can leverage business architecture to support the UN’s SDGs. You will learn how to determine which SDGs are relevant to your organization, thereby aligning motivation with action, and how to set internal objectives and metrics to help your organization achieve its desired level of contribution. Furthermore, you will explore how to leverage business architecture across organizational boundaries to facilitate collaboration on SDG achievement.

Episode 1: Business Architecture Meets Sustainability

This webinar, hosted and facilitated by Daniel Simon of Across and Ahead, features Business Architecture expert Whynde Kuehn and Sustainability expert Daniel Obst in a conversation on how organizations can leverage business architecture to enhance and accelerate their sustainability efforts.

Are you a sustainability practitioner looking for approaches to help you frame discussions on sustainability in your organization in a structured and comprehensive way? Are you a business architect or enterprise architect wondering how you may help accelerate and enhance the sustainability of your organization? Then this video conversation will be of interest to you.

Here are some of the key questions addressed in the discussion:
- How do organizations currently deal with sustainability topics? What is the current state of practice?
- Why may business architecture be a suitable practice to help deal with sustainability?
- How may business architecture be leveraged to address sustainability aspects?

Episode 2: Business Architecture Meets Sustainability: Mastering Sustainability Reporting

This webinar, hosted and facilitated by Daniel Simon of Across and Ahead, features Business Architecture expert Whynde Kuehn and Sustainability expert Daniel Obst in a conversation on how organizations can leverage business architecture to enhance and accelerate their sustainability efforts.

This is the second in a series of conversations and is focused on Sustainability Reporting.

Episode 3: Business Architecture Meets Sustainability: Transitioning Towards a Circular Economy (Part I)

This webinar, hosted and facilitated by Daniel Simon of Across and Ahead, features Business Architecture expert Whynde Kuehn, Circular Economy expert Cathrine Barth, and Sustainability expert Daniel Obst in the first of two conversations on how organizations to build towards a circular economy.

Episode 4: Business Architecture Meets Sustainability: Transitioning Towards a Circular Economy (Part II)

This webinar, hosted and facilitated by Daniel Simon of Across and Ahead, features Business Architecture expert Whynde Kuehn and Circular Economy expert Cathrine Barth in the second of two conversations on how organizations to build towards a circular economy.

Episode 5: Business Architecture Meets Sustainability: Shaping the Path Towards Sustainable IT (Part 1)

This webinar, hosted and facilitated by Daniel Simon of Across and Ahead, features Business Architecture expert Whynde Kuehn, Sustainability Expert Daniel Obst, and Sustainable IT Expert and Author Niklas Sundberg. They discuss how organizations aiming to increase sustainability in and by IT can benefit from the use of business architecture.

Episode 6: Business Architecture Meets Sustainability: Shaping the Path Towards Sustainable IT (Part 2)

This webinar, hosted and facilitated by Daniel Simon of Across and Ahead, features Business Architecture expert Whynde Kuehn and sustainable IT advocates Oliver Cronk and Nanna Lumholt Vangkilde. They discuss how organizations aiming to increase sustainability in and by IT can benefit from the use of business architecture.
Diagram showing how business architecture enables organizational sustainability

Business Architecture Enables Organizational Sustainability

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Business Architecture: An Enabler to Achieving the SDGs

This article describes the benefits of contribut­ing to the SDGs and explores how business architecture can help organizations identify ways to contribute to them — and measure the impact in doing so. It also explores how we can leverage business architecture across individuals and organizations, bringing them together for the greater good.

Evolving the Organizational DNA, Part 1: How Business Architecture Can Enable Organizational Sustainability

This installment of StraightTalk is the first in a series that focuses on how business architecture can be used to catalyze, embed and enforce key sustainability, legal and ethical considerations into an organization’s DNA. Using business architecture in this way truly unlocks its value and power. First up in our series: how business architecture can enable organizational sustainability, so here goes.
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Leveraging Business Architecture to Build a Sustainable and Resilient Organization

This SlideShare explores key concepts and principles of resilient and sustainable organizations and business ecosystems, using the natural world as our guide. It also explores how business and enterprise architecture can be leveraged to build resilient and sustainable organizations, focusing on their role in assessment, design and transformation to future state.

Evolving the Organizational DNA, Part 3: How Business Architecture Can Enable Ethical Decision Making and Actions

This is the third and final installment in a series on how business architecture can be used to catalyze, embed and enforce key sustainability, legal and ethical considerations into an organization’s DNA. In this StraightTalk post, we explore how organizations can leverage business architecture to ensure ethical decision-making and actions.
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Ecosystem Is The New Organization: How Business Architecture #Capabilities and #ValueStreams Can Connect Everything

In this StraightTalk installment, we will explore how business architecture can help to architect ecosystems. The idea of business ecosystems is a huge topic unto itself, so we’ll highlight a few key ideas here in our usual StraightTalk style and then let you dream big.
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