Survey: Where Does Your Business Architecture Team Report?


12 June 2021


14 July 2021

Published In

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This survey reveals where business architecture teams report: within the business, IT, or somewhere in between. 

Here are a few takeaways…

  • Just over half of the respondents indicated that their business architecture teams either report within the business (27.7%) or to a neutral area in between business and IT (23.4%). From a pure business architecture perspective, these numbers do align with the global trends we’ve seen playing out over time with just under 50% of respondents indicating that their business architecture teams report within IT (48.9%).
  • A couple of respondents indicated that they have business architects in both business and IT. One further clarified that “this is challenging but creates a strong collaboration point.”
  • A few examples of neutral areas included: “within a department that houses the PMO and Process COE,” “reporting directly to the CEO,” “business solutions head,” and “Director of Business Transformation.”

While certain business architecture team reporting structures prove to be more successful than others (e.g., those reporting to a business leader), we also know that there is no one perfect structure that will work for every organization. Each organization has its own dynamics, necessary positioning to align with value proposition, and sometimes we just need to start where we can start.

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