Survey: Business Architecture Tool Support


09 May 2022


09 May 2022

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This survey, conducted April and May 2022, demonstrates how business architecture teams support their activities with tooling. The two highest categories of responses were business architecture teams that (1) do not have a tool (most typically using VEP or Visio, Excel, and PowerPoint) (43%) and teams that (2) use an enterprise architecture tool (41%). These results do raise some concern about how well business architecture teams are actually supported with their tooling needs – especially for a discipline that delivers unique and scalable value based on the intelligence of the business architecture knowledgebase.


Here are comments from those who do not have a tool…

  • We are looking to transition to a tool but the procurement process is very cumbersome.
  • In the process of reviewing and selecting a tool!
  • We have a tool but not investments being made for several years to maintain and support the tool. Tools are great but the companies need to see value and invest in building out those tools.
  • In saying no, we are in the process of implementing [a tool], however, it does not seem as if it's going to remove majority of the manual overhead, as you still work in Visio.
  • EA Tool newly implemented. Waiting to see if it can be used within a functional domain.

Here are comments from those who use an enterprise architecture tool…

  • Single platform for create and view
  • It depends on how you define BA or EA I guess (To me BA is just a subset of EA, there are BPMN tools but I don't know of any BA tool.) There's a big difference between drawing tools, tools with semantics, with a central repository, with diagramming, with reporting analytics, but I'm biased.

Here are comments from those who use a combination of tools…

  • DEP (, Excel, PowerPoint) + EA-tool + Custom app


  • We were given a tool but it's a real challenge and we have not made progress with the BA using it. We've had it for a year.  Unfortunately Business Architecture is not a priority at my organization and it really should be but I am not the boss and I do not make the major decisions.        
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