Plan & Deliver Improvements

The Business Architecture Practice: A Practical Approach to Establish and Mature Your Internal Practice

Designed for business architecture practice leaders and business architecture practitioners, this essential white paper provides a pragmatic perspective on how to establish and mature a business architecture practice. Original Publish Date: 21 February 2017

Charting The Course: Maturity-Driven Business Architecture Practice Planning

In this installment of StraightTalk, we talk about how to assess the maturity of your practice and plan for its advancement.
StraightTalk Post

Let’s Get This Party Started: How to Start a Business Architecture Practice

Knowing what business architecture is: Check.
Knowing why we do it: Check.
Knowing where it fits within the strategy execution life cycle: Double Check. Knowing where to start: Not so much.

Starting business architecture within an organization can be a fairly organic process, but there are a proven set of steps to follow.
StraightTalk Post

Maturing a Business Architecture Practice: The Promise and the Path

In this article, business architecture practitioners are offered a clear vision of what a fully mature business architecture practice looks like, the value it brings to the organization, and a practical perspective on how to get there.