Establish the Practice Foundation

The Business Architecture Practice: A Practical Approach to Establish and Mature Your Internal Practice

Designed for business architecture practice leaders and business architecture practitioners, this essential white paper provides a pragmatic perspective on how to establish and mature a business architecture practice. Original Publish Date: 21 February 2017

A Professional Opinion: How Architecture Can Become a True Profession

This double-installment StraightTalk validates the concept of business architecture as a real discipline and career path. It is based on the perspectives and visions from two worldwide authorities on the topic, Dr. Brian Cameron and Paul Preiss. We first explore the topic through an academic lens and then through the broader lens of architecture as a profession which includes all architects together, in business and technology.
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Architecture as a Profession

In this podcast, global business architecture thought leader Whynde Kuehn interviews Paul Preiss, Founder and CEO of Iasa Global on the topic of what it really means for architecture as a profession.

Business Architecture in Academia

In this podcast, Dr. Brian Cameron, Associate Dean for Professional Graduate Programs in the Smeal College of Business at the Pennsylvania State University, shares his unique perspectives with Whynde Kuehn, global business architecture thought leader and educator.

The Business Architecture Toolbox

A compilation of complementary tools, techniques and resources valuable for the practice of business architecture – sourced from you, the global business architecture community!

Raison d‘être: The How and Why of Business Architecture Stakeholder Mapping

In this installment of StraightTalk, we’re going to explore a sometimes overlooked but all-important domain for the business architecture baseline: stakeholders. Stakeholder mapping techniques came on the scene and matured a bit later than some of the others, so it’s a good time to revisit them and their valuable role in the business architecture.
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Be the Change: Disrupting Business Architecture

There is a growing body of evidence that points to what makes a business architecture team successful. This article shares a few characteristics that encapsulate how successful business architecture practitioners think and act.

The Business Architect Imperative: Showing Up With Wow

As a newer role on the scene, working in a business world ubiquitous with design, digital, agile and other emerging concepts, the way we show up as business architects matters a lot. Because everything we do and say demonstrates to others what business architecture really is, and we need to be relevant and distinguish ourselves. The success of a business architect then is not just in what we know or what we do — but in our Ways of Working (WOWs), which this installment of StraightTalk explores.
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Living The Dream: How to Integrate Business Architecture With Strategy Execution

This marks the 50th installment of StraightTalk, and we’re returning to our roots. Waaay back in Post No. 3, we introduced a new vision for strategy execution and explored how business architecture could help to enable it. We called it the Strategy Execution Metanoia, because a metanoia is a transformational moment – when you see the world in a different way and can’t go back.
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How to Implement Business Architecture Governance – Take 2

The second and final in the series, this installment of StraightTalk further explores the big, scary and loaded concept of business architecture governance. It looks at how to implement the governance concepts we discussed previously.
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