colorful pie chart

Survey: Business Architecture for Risk and Compliance

Download the New Survey: Business Architecture for Risk and Compliance graphic in PDF or JPEG format.
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Episode 3: Business Architecture Meets Sustainability: Transitioning Towards a Circular Economy (Part I)

This webinar, hosted and facilitated by Daniel Simon of Across and Ahead, features Business Architecture expert Whynde Kuehn, Circular Economy expert Cathrine Barth, and Sustainability expert Daniel Obst in the first of two conversations on how organizations to build towards a circular economy.
webinar graphic

Connecting Architecture to Data for Intelligent Strategy Execution

In this webinar, Asif Gill and Whynde Kuehn share and connect insights from their books, Adaptive Enterprise Architecture as Information and Strategy to Reality respectively.
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How Business Architecture Supports the Digital Transformation Manifesto

The Institute for Digital Transformation’s Digital Transformation Manifesto defines eight tenets that organizations should adopt in order to realize sustained success in driving digital transformation. In this article, Institute Fellow Whynde Kuehn describes how organizations can incorporate these tenets into new ways of thinking and working, enabled by the discipline of business architecture.
Pie chart showing business architecture leveraged for Sustainabillity

Survey: Business Architecture and Sustainability 

Download the graphic titled Survey: Business Architecture and Sustainability in PDF or JPEG format.
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Episode 2: Business Architecture Meets Sustainability: Mastering Sustainability Reporting

This webinar, hosted and facilitated by Daniel Simon of Across and Ahead, features Business Architecture expert Whynde Kuehn and Sustainability expert Daniel Obst in a conversation on how organizations can leverage business architecture to enhance and accelerate their sustainability efforts.

This is the second in a series of conversations and is focused on Sustainability Reporting.

Consultants Saying Things About the Book Strategy to Reality

This special installment of the Consultants Saying Things podcast unboxes the book Strategy to Reality and cast members ask their questions to author Whynde Kuehn and discuss the ideas within the book and Whynde’s journey of writing it.

How Business Architecture Enables Better Digital Transformations

Streamed to a live audience, Eric Kimberling interviews Strategy to Reality author Whynde Kuehn on how business architecture can help facilitate successful digital transformations with an intense focus on multiple organizational dimensions, including people, process, technology, and strategy.

Digital Dialog - Strategy to Reality for Digital Enterprises

Whether an organization is already a digital enterprise or on the transformation journey to become one, leaders need the ability to understand where the organization is, where it is going, and how it will get there. This Digital Dialogue, hosted by Institute Fellow Whynde Kuehn, explores how business architecture underpins successful digital enterprises and transformations, based on her book Strategy to Reality. Digital Leaders, Mark Johnson and Robert Field serve as expert panel members to explore how organizations can foster continuous end-to-end execution of strategies and transformations, agile organization design, and new mindsets and ways of working.

What Startups Can Learn From Big Company Challenges

What advice would you give to your younger self? This is as true for startups as it is for humans. This article, published by Whynde Kuehn in Grit Daily, describes how startups can not only embody great leadership, but also great structures for the organization grow and evolve and foster the right mindset.